March 01, 2011

Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Tonight we made lettuce wraps with fresh chicken from the biological store. I feel it is very important t make sure that the meat you consume has been both raised and treated properly. Much of the mainstream chicken is full of antibiotics and hormones and crammed in cages so small that the chickens cannot even move. Remember you are consuming this energy and it will pay off in the long run to pay a few euros more and keep unhealthy meat out of your system. Plus your purchases show manufacturers what is important to you, so make your purchases count. This goes for eggs too!
Tonight- we made healthy low- calorie wraps. The contents included: grilled chicken, cut up bell pepper (red is my favorite because it is sweet), sauteed onions with organic corn, olive oil and cumin, homemade sour cream and fresh cheese topped with pumpkin seeds. If we had avocados on hand I would have made guacamole, which always tastes good with this dish. You can get creative and put anything in your wrap: sun-dried tomatoes, nuts/seeds, and among other things, various types of cheese or sauces. By wrapping this meal in iceberg lettuce, as opposed to tortillas, the meal stays a bit leaner and if you are in the mood, you can save room for dessert! We also boiled seasonal greens and topped with lemon and olive oil as a side dish.

Due to a sugar filled weekend we had planned to lay off the desserts for a few days, however today I did wander into the store "I Love Cupcakes" in Glyfada and I bought 4 cupcakes.I could not resist! We will be testing these yummy concoctions in the next 24 hours :))

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