March 10, 2011

Danish Sweets and Smorgas

Here in Denmark we love to EAT, and we do it very well. For lunch we typically have dark rye bread (lots of fiber!) and many flavors of pickled herring, called sill. In Denmark there is a particular flavor of sill in a curry sauce that is to die for. I top it with some boiled egg and diced raw onion. Yum. Also, very common here is liverpastej- basically liver pate (VERY rich in iron, 34 mg per 4 oz serving and the highest amount of Vitamin A of any food source). Coming from someone who was once vegan this feels a bit odd to write about but it really is a taste I grew up with and still love. We pair liverpastej with pickled red beets.
Now for dessert, Inger baked Danish cupcakes (even a trend in the countryside) in an orange flavor with a piece of dark chocolate melted on top. The cookies, called "kicks" are crunchy and cinnamon flavored. Unlike any American cookie I have had and of course, delicious. The other two cakes are called raspberry roulade, a raspberry filled cake using raspberries from the farm (to die for) and apple cake made from apples of the farm. These two cakes are my favorite because they are light and fresh. Usually with lunch comes Aquavit or brandvin-hard liquor and Danish beer. For those that don't drink, we have saft, a concentrated soft drink diluted with fresh water. Today's flavor orange or pineapple.

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