July 18, 2011

Avocado Surprise

Avocado Surprise
1 avocado
2 spoonfuls of fresh goat cheese (or dairy free alternative)
handful of cherries/berries
1 tsp agave

1. Process the cherries and agave, only for a few seconds. You want to keep large cherry pieces in the mixture.
2. Cut avocado in half and fill each half with one spoonful of goat cheese.
3. Top with cherry mixture.

Nikos has this for his birthday breakfast. He loved the combination, specifically the cherries and goat cheese. You can try with different fruits to find a taste that suits you! Also, if you are raw or vegan just omit the goat cheese and fill the avocado with the fruit mixture. Makes a great dessert too. This recipe is inspired by my raw teacher Flora- Thank you Sweet Flora :)

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