October 03, 2011

Food Fact of the Day: Broccoli

Broccoli is one the richest sources of iron in the world. If you are a vegetarian broccoli should be a staple food product for you as the combination of iron and beta-carotene prevents anemia. One of the reasons anemia is developed is that our bodies absorb one-third the amount of iron in vegetables as in meat due to phyates which block iron absorption. Beta- carotene helps to overcome this blockage.

Broccoli is also:

  1. Cancer fighting, by way of phyto-nutrients that remove cancer cells
  2. Great for smokers, as it reduces carcinogenic effects
  3. One cup=20% daily iron requirements
  4. High in Vitamin C, which fights infection and boosts immunity
I find broccoli hard to eat because of the consistency, therefore if I shred broccoli in my processor I can add them to anything I am preparing. Here are some ideas on how you can add more broccoli to your diet:
Make a broccoli dip by finely shredding broccoli adding with yogurt, sour cream, or cream cheese .
Dip broccoli is guacamole or hummus
Add to omeletes
Add to soups, salads, and sandwiches
Dip is chocolate- hey, it is worth a try?!

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