October 27, 2011

Raw Chia Pudding, Great for Breakfast!

 This is a great recipe to use with your almond milk. This dish is quick, delicious, and extremely delicious. Can't go wrong with that!

Raw Chia Pudding (serves 2)
2 cups raw almond milk
6 TBSP raw chia seeds
2-3 TBSP agave or honey
Fresh banana

1. Pour almond milk into two bowls, dividing the portions equally.
2. Place 3 TBSP in each bowl and stir easily with a spoon for about 3 minutes. Make sure the seeds are well soaked. It may seem long to stir for three minutes, however the gel in the seeds become activated while you stir.
3. Add 1- 1.5 TBSP agave and cinnamon.
4. Cover with saran wrap and put in the fridge for 8- 24 hours.
5. Serve with fresh sliced bananas.

Chia seeda are 20% protein (wheat has 18%), and are just one amino acid short of being a complete protein (91%). Chia seeds are rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, antioxidants, minerals (such as iron, calcium, and zinc), and is the highest plant source of ALA (Omega-3 fatty acid).

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