January 16, 2012

Raw Pomegranate Granola

I have had so much fun the past two weeks getting to know my new Excalibur 9-tray dehydrator. It has been very exciting and quite delicious. I realize that not everyone has a dehydrator so the recipes that follow can be modified and prepared in a warm oven, turned all the way down, with the door cracked and light/fan on. This morning for breakfast I had pomegranate granola!

Raw Pomegranate Granola

One cup almond meal, sweetened with Stevia (almond pulp from almond milk, dehydrated for 24 hours)
Large dash of cinnamon
1 TBSP raw cacao nibs
1-2 TBSP Goji berries
1 TBSP flax seeds
Small handful of pistachios (very high in Vitamin A!!)
Fresh pomegranate
Almond milk or cream

Add all the ingredients in a bowl and top with fresh almond milk. I made my milk very thick (kept portion of almond to water (1:2) and had a very thick and creamy milk. This tasted like dessert! Delicious!

Note: You can also use soaked almonds (8-24 hours) in place of the dehydrated almond meal, or raw almonds, ground in a processor.

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