February 03, 2014

Cherry Peanut Butter Oatmeal- Omega rich!

Well, I can officially say I am obsessed with nut butter. I love them ALL. As my Trader Joe's Almond Butter just ran out, I have been eating peanut butter. Lighter on the pocket here in Greece.

I do have a Vita-Mix, but I haven't mastered the art of nut butters yet. Probably should get to it!

This morning I made a divine pot of oatmeal and had to share! Hope you will give this yummy recipe a try. Simple and energy-fueling for a cold winter's day.

3/4 cup of soaked oatmeal from evening before (more if you are particularly active or prefer a larger breakfast)
1/4 cup cherries (mine were frozen, I just defrosted the night before next to the soaking oats)
1 TBSP peanut butter, today was smooth PB
1 TBSP hemp seeds
dash of sea salt
Optional: Warmed almond milk

1. Soak oats in oatmeal and a dash of sea salt for 12 hours in filtered water (the evening before works great.) The amount of water doesn't really matter, it will just change the consistency. I use enough water to ensure the oats are submerged and then add about 1/4 cup more. Soaking oats makes them easier to digest and removes the anti-nutrients.
2. Defrost cherries (if they are frozen) the evening before.
3. In the morning, cook the oatmeal and the water it was soaking in. 
4. Cook on medium heat for about 3-4 minutes, adding the peanut butter and stirring.
5. Fold in the cherries and turn off the heat.
6. Place oatmeal in a bowl and top with hemp seed and almond milk. You can also add flax and chia seeds, which will really up the nutrient count- especially your omegas!
