June 17, 2014

GF coconut chicken

Yummy baked organic chicken dipped in egg and battered with coconut flour, coconut shreds and raw cheddar cheese. Topped with Dijon mayo and served alongside Brussels sprouts and garden broccoli. Finger lickin' good!

5 organic drumsticks, boiled (I used the drumsticks to make chicken broth beforehand)
1 egg
1/8 cup almond milk
1/4 cup coconut flour
1/4 cup coconut shreds
1/4 cup shredded raw cheddar cheese
Cumin, coriander and sea salt

Garnish with a blend of Dijon mustard and homemade mayo (1:3 ratio.)

1. Whip egg and almond milk together.
2. Sift coconut flour, shreds and cheese together with spices. 
3. Dip chicken in egg batter and roll in coconut mixture.
4. Bake at 400 for 15 min; flip for another 10 minutes.
5. Top with Dijon mayo and pair with your favorite greens.

June 16, 2014

GF maple pumpkin bars

4 organic eggs
1 cup coconut flour
3/4 cup maple syrup
2 TBSP coconut oil
11/2 cups pumpkin purée
Cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and ginger
Dash of sea salt

12 oz Organic cream cheese
3 TBSP Maple syrup

Raw chopped pecans

1. Mix first set of ingredients together, until smooth. Batter will be chunky. 
2. Bake in a greased pan at 350, about 55 minutes. 
3. Whip frosting ingredients until frothy. 
4. Once cake has cooled frost and garnish with pecans. 

A great addition for those that want a moist, gluten free and refined sugar free dessert option for a party. You can switch out the pumpkin for banana and top with walnuts for a delicious banana muffin alternative. 

June 05, 2014

Gluten free, sugar free pumpkin pancakes

Gluten free pumpkin pancakes. Ready in only 10 minutes and so delicious you will be tempted to eat every last bite on the table. 

1 cup organic pumpkin purée
1 cup buckwheat flour
2 organic eggs
2 TBSP of coconut oil
1/4 cup almond milk or water
Good sprinkling of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and ginger
Pinch of sea salt
Optional: pinch of stevia or sweetener of choice

1. Blend in a bowl (I used a fork, no blender needed!)
2. Fry with coconut oil over medium-high heat about 3 minutes per side. (I topped each piece with raw grass fed butter as I pulled it from the hot pan.)
3. Top with raw honey, raw almond butter, applesauce, jam, maple syrup or fresh fruit. 

For extra protein and a buttery flavor top with a generous portion of hemp seeds. 

June 04, 2014

Raw strawberry ice cream

Yum. Yum. Yum. 
Full of good fat and vitamin C.

1 cup raw grass fed whole milk
1 1/4 cup raw grass fed cream
2 cups organic strawberries, hulled
1/4-1/3 cups raw forest honey
Dash of sea salt

1. Blend in blender.
2. Let sit in your fridge for about 2 hours.
3. Pour into ice cream maker.

I topped my ice cream with fresh cut strawberries and pineapples.