May 18, 2020

Rosemary Feta Burgers- iron rich

Delicious burgers, gone Greek!!

2 organic, Omega-3 eggs
2 cups cooked lentils
1/2 cup einkorn or gluten free flour
1/4 cup oats
1 medium onion, diced
1 garlic clove, minced
1/3 cup diced organic tomatoes or organic tomato sauce
1/3 cup crumbled Organic Greek feta
1-2 TSP rosemary
Dash sea salt
Coconut oil to fry
Sour Cream: Organic Greek yogurt and fresh squeezed lemon

1. Stir all the ingredients for the patties in a bowl, until well mixed.
2. Cook over medium-high heat with coconut oil, about 3-4 minutes on each side. I flipped a few times to get a good crunch on the outer layer.
3. Meanwhile, make a fresh green salad with tomato and avocado. Drizzle with a spritz of fresh lemon and cold-pressed, organic Greek olive oil.
4. Make sour cream with organic Greek yogurt and fresh lemon. You can also add a small spoon of tahini for an added kick. Delicious either way.
5. Plate your salad, add your burgers and top with sour cream.