December 29, 2011

How I fly

I am on my way back to Greece tomorrow and I have packed my bag of treats to take with me on my trip. There are some precautions I take on flights which include the following:
-Always book a non-dairy vegetarian meal. This means you will eat fruit and salad, which is better than all the processed food that is normally served. Who knows where the meat that is served comes from. Be sure to give notice at least 48 hours before your flight or they might not honor your request.
- Bring a large empty water bottle with you and fill it up before you board, so you have a large bottle of water for your flight. And most importantly, drink it all before you land!
- Bring antioxidant rich fruits. I love bringing pears, a small pack of blueberries, cranberries, and goji berries.
-Bring some sliced red bell peppers, carrots, and other veggies you like. Don't load up on these because they might give you a tummy ache due to the elevation.
- Bring some healthy bars, raw if you can find them. My favorite are the Raw Organic Food Bars- cinnamon raisin and fiber delight. I also like Lara bars, and the new raw bars at Trader Joes. If you want to avoid more sugar you can find protein bars that are low in sugar and still void of artificial sweeteners.
-Extra set of vitamins (whatever you take)
-Green tea bags, which is better than the black tea that is served
-A bag of nuts- almonds (soaked if you have time), walnuts, and brazil nuts.
- An MP3 player with soft meditation music
-Soft, cozy socks
-A warm sweater- planes are freezing!!
-A great book and/or a journal
-Organic antibacterial wipes/gel

The morning before my flight I drink green juice (wheatgrass, kale, spinach, with ginger and lemon, etc). I also take double my spirulina, kelp, probiotics, and multivitamin- to boost my immunity.

I hope you have a great New Year!! Get ready for a 2012 detox in the coming weeks!!

December 28, 2011


I am a BIG fan of exercise, but not the kind of exercise that I feel I HAVE to do. I used to go to aerobics classes and dreaded going and to make it worse, while I was there, I watched the clock the whole time. Life is just too short to dread parts of the day. So, I made some changes and now I love my workout regime. I tailored it to fit my schedule and it has worked beautifully. I believe that diet is the ultimate determinate of your weight and overall health, but exercise is a great way to keep you limber, to keep your heart healthy, to keep the mind clear, and to rid toxins from your body. It also can give you a great shape!

Even if you are short on time there are ways you can get your heart pumping through out your day. Some examples of how I incorporate a little more "action" into my busy day:
-Always take the stairs, even in heels!
-Park my car far away from the front entrance of wherever I am going.
-Get off the bus/train/tram two stops early and walk to my destination.
-Go to the library and rent 30 minute yoga/pilates DVDs. I can do anything for 30 minutes, but any more and I get bored. Rodney Yee fro Gaiam is the BEST!
-Do some pilates before bed- I do the 5-series, takes 3-5 minutes and it gives you a beautiful tummy in only a week. Click here to see how to do the 5-series
-Do a two minute plank every morning or every evening, broken up however you need to. While you are down there maybe you can meditate or pray for a minute and give thanks for the day ahead or behind you? Helps me flow better with life and maintain a grateful attitude.
-Stretch right when you get out of bed. Do a good down dog and get the blood flowing. Here is a down dog video
-Try to do yoga or some cardio at least three times during the week.

This is my routine and it has worked well for me. Some weeks I exercise much more than others, but overall I tend to follow this schedule. The most important thing is to find something you enjoy. If you dread the gym, take your workout outside in nature. Find inspiration and follow it!

I am off for a light run now! Happy 2012!!

December 27, 2011

Warm lemon water

Why do I always push this warm water with lemon thing? Because, it is a part of my routine that has kept me healthy, lean, and vibrant for years. I hope you will make an attempt to add this drink to your daily routine- you will be so happy you did!!

Here is what I have learned throughout the years about lemon:
-Extremely alkalizing. Drinking lemon first thing in the morning reconfigures your body to metabolize efficiently and to burn fat all day long. When the body is more alkaline and less acidic (80:20 is the perfect ratio), it is kept free of disease. Acidosis is one of the basic precursors of disease. This fact alone is a reason to start your day with lemon water.
-Great for your stomach and digestive system. Keeps you lean and regular.
-Antibacterial. Studies have proven that lemon juice kills the bacteria that cause malaria, cholera, typhoid, and other major diseases.
-Natural form of vitamin C, which is MUCH more powerful that the synthetic version. Helps you to metabolize calcium.
-Natural form of citric acid, 7.2%, an antioxidant that balances the body.

Drinking your lemon water with cayenne pepper or raw honey are also options. Cayenne pepper kills cancer cells, lowers blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, and immediately boosts the metabolism. I usually add a dash of this powerful medicinal spice to my water in the evening.
Raw honey has a zillion health benefits as well, however, I enjoy the tart taste of lemon water and opt to save my honey consumption for a sweet treat later in the day!

For those of you that share this healthy habit, I would LOVE to hear from you!!

December 26, 2011

Feeling heavy after the holidays??

It is Monday morning, and many are feeling a bit "stuffed" after all the holiday parties and family get-togethers. I would like to share some things I do that get me back on track after the holidays:

- Load up on Green Superfoods- including kelp, chlorella, spirulina, and seaweed. These sea greens help the body to detoxify and get you feeling GREAT!! You can find these in supplement form at the health food store. Worth EVERY PENNY.
- Make a trail mix of - raw almonds, goji berries and raw cacao nibs. Much on these throughout the week or put them in your cereal or smoothies.
- Make a batch of "seeds of life" and make certain to specifically include hemp, chia and black sesame seeds. Sprinkle these on your salads, soups, cereals, or put them in your smoothies.
- Eat at least 2 TBSP of flax everyday, which will give you a BIG dose of your Omega 3 Fatty Acids.
-Eat a salad for dinner at least every other night.
-Use coconut oil in place of all other oils- rich in lauric and caprylic acids and great for weight loss!
- Make a juice of aloe vera and 100% cranberry juice.
-Take extra probiotic supplements along with kombucha, Braggs, or sweet miso.
- Drink hot water with lemon when you rise and before you go to sleep.
-Avoid animal proteins.
-Exercise till you sweat.
-Sleep in, get that much needed sleep therapy.
-Write a gratitude list.

-And most important, look in that mirror everyday and tell yourself you are beautiful and strong!!!

December 22, 2011

California LOVE

I am home in Cali this week and have been busy running around!! I have planned some great holiday recipes which I will post later in the week.

It has been a great year and thank you for all of your support! I hope you greatly enjoy your holidays :)

XOXOX, Anika

December 18, 2011

Raw California Rolls with miso glaze

Raw California Rolls
1/3 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup walnuts
6 sun dried tomatoes, soaked
some soaked water from tomatoes
small handful of parsley
juice of one lemon
1 red bell pepper
2 sheets Nori Paper
Avocado Mousse

1. Spread avocado mousse on nori paper
2. Process drab pate ingredients and roll in nori paper.
3. Serve with Tamari sauce and miso glaze.

December 17, 2011

Raw Banana Pomegranate Pancakes

Raw Banana Pomegranate Pancakes
2 bananas
1/2 cup ground flax
1/4 cup fresh pomegranate
2 TBSP hemp seeds
1 TSP cinnamon

1. Mix one banana with flax and cinnamon. Let sit for 5 minutes to set.
2. Mold into pancake form on a plate.
3. Top with fresh banana, pomegranate, and hemp seeds.

December 16, 2011

Food Combinations

Digestive physiology reveals that the digestive system processes certain foods differently than others. The wrong combination can cause indigestion (a slowing of the digestive system.)

Some basic guidelines about food combining:

  1. Fruits and Veggies don't mix: fruits have acid and sugar while veggies are mainly starch- the combination causes bloating and gas
  2. All greens, sprouts and veggies mix well together
  3. Avocados and lemons go with everything
  4. Avoid eating breads with sweet (banana, dates, figs, raisins) or acidic fruits (citrus, berries, tropical fruits)
  5. Eat Melons alone
  6. Avoid mixing starches with protein (for example: steak and potatoes, eggs and hash-browns, peanut butter toast)
  7. Fruits go well with seeds and nuts
  8. Never drink water or any liquid with your meals. Your stomach uses hydrochloric acid to engage the digestive process and water dilutes and disrupts the process. Natural, holistic foods contain plenty of water and will curb your thirst. Wait 30 minutes before and 1 1/2 hours afterwards to have a drink.

Raw Chicken Salad Cups

A yummy raw version without an ounce of chicken!

Raw Chicken Salad Cups
1/8 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup cashews
1/2 cup almonds
1/2 cucumber
1 small onion
1 small apple
1 celery stick
juice of 1/2 lemon
dash of sea salt
1 TSP curry powder
1 TBSP agave
2 Red Bell Peppers

1. Process all ingredients.
2. Cut bell peppers in half and fill with pate.

3. Top with Avocado Mousse.

December 15, 2011

Nikoscakes- gluten-free Swedish Pancakes

For Nikos's name-day I made him his all-time favorite breakfast in bed--Swedish Pancakes. This recipe is delightful and the taste of butter, sugar, and flour are still resembled in this healthy version that is completely dairy, gluten and refined sugar-free. Have fun with different fillings :)

1 cup gluten free flour
4 organic eggs
3/4 cup dairy free milk (I used soy cream)
1/4 cup agave
1 TBSP cinnamon
dash of baking powder
dash of sea salt

  • tahini and honey
  • cinnamon, agave, and coconut oil
  • lingonberries, honey, and coconut oil
  • messosmor- A naughty Scandinavian delicacy
1. Beat all ingredients together and cook over medium-high heat with coconut oil for about 1-2 minutes on each side.
2. Fill with your favorite flavors. 

December 14, 2011

Raw Pumpkin Cheesecake

Raw Pumpkin Cheesecake
1 cup pureed pumpkin
one cup soaked cashews (4-24 hours)
3/4 cup maple syrup or honey

1/2 cup coconut oil
1 1/2 TBSPs cinnamon
Optional: nutmeg, allspice and cloves)

Crust: (optional)
1 cup dates or raisins

1 cup ground walnuts

1. Blend crust ingredients in a processor and push into muffin molds.

2. Blend batter in a blender and pour over crust.
3. Place in freezer for 2-4 hours or in the fridge for 8 hours.

December 13, 2011

Happy Santa Lucia Day, A Swedish holiday

Today is a very special day for my mother and I. It is Santa Lucia's Day and I have celebrated this special holiday since I was a little girl. Tonight we will eat sweet porridge made from sweet white rice. Here is a brief snapshot on the history of Santa Lucia:
"The festival of Santa Lucia begins before dawn, on the thirteenth of December, which under the old Julian calendar (used in Sweden before 1753) was Christmas Day and the longest night of the year. Throughout Sweden, the eldest daughter in each household comes to her sleeping parents, dressed in a long white gown tied with a red sash, and wearing a crown of lingonberry leaves in which are set seven lighted candies. In her hands she carries a tray of steaming hot coffee and "Lussekattor" (Lucia Runs). The procession includes her sisters and brothers also dressed in white, holding lighted candles, and singing of the light and joy of Christmas.
The sisters of the Lucia Bride wear a wreath of tinsel in their hair and a piece tied around their waist, while the boys have tall pointed caps sprinkled with stars. Awakened by the lights and the singing, the parents arise and eat the breakfast served, thus ushering in the Christmas season.
Scandinavian tradition holds that in Värmland, Sweden, a white-clad maiden, wearing a crown of burning candies, brought food to the starving villagers on the shores of Lake Vänern. "

December 12, 2011

Raw Melomakarona- delicious and simple!

Raw Melomakarona
2 1/4 cups raw oat flour (from oat groats)
1/4 cup flax seeds, ground
1 1/2 cup walnuts, ground fine
3/4 cup raw Greek honey
juice of two oranges
zest of 3/4 orange
1.5 TBSP cinnamon
1 TSP nutmeg
1 TSP allspice
dash cloves

garnish: zest of 1/4 orange and 1/2 cups very lightly ground walnuts

1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Let sit for about 5 minutes for the flax seeds to soak up the moisture in the dough.
2. Form into little balls on wax paper and top with fresh ground nuts/zest. I also add a dash of cinnamon on the top of each cookie to get that extra cinnamon kick!
3. Place in your oven on the lowest setting with the door cracked, and the fan and light on!

December 11, 2011

Sunday Baked Pancake with fresh coconut cream- gluten and dairy free

A delicious pancake made in the oven! I like this type of recipe because I can do my morning meditation while breakfast is preparing itself! Plus my boyfriend can seriously live on pancakes.
This recipe is a winner!

Baked Sunday Pancake
1 TBSP coconut oil
3 large organic eggs
1/2 cup coconut milk (any dairy free milk)
1/2 TSP vanilla
1/2 cup gluten free flour
2 TBSP agave
dash of sea salt
dash of cinnamon
1. Melt oil in pan
2. Blend remaining ingredients and pour in pan.
3. Bake at 200 for 20 minutes.

Top with fresh fruit and coconut cream!

Pomegranate goat cheese salad with sweet lemon drizzle

Very simple yet bursting with flavor. I am not a fan of dairy, but every once in a while I delight myself with some soft, local, Greek goat cheese.

Pomegranate Goat Cheese Salad
one head of organic lettuce
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
1/4 cup fresh organic goat cheese
2 TBSP flax seeds

Sweet Lemon Drizzle
juice of one lemon
3 TBSP olive oil
1 TBSP honey
sea salt

December 10, 2011

Raw Coconut Cream

You can place this frosting on fresh fruit, sweets, oatmeal, or can eat it alone as a sweet treat. Coconut is very good for your health and do not be discouraged by the "fat" content- coconut oil has "good fat" that revs up your metabolism, increases thyroid function, and regulated blood sugar. It also contains lauric acid, which is also found in mother's milk and is very healing- so enjoy!!!

Raw Coconut Cream
1 cup cashews
1/4 cup coconut milk
2 TBSP agave or honey
1 TSP cinnamon OR
1/2 TSP fresh vanilla

1. Blend in a mini food processor will fluffy and place in fridge to cool for about one hour.

Note: If you use soaked cashews your mixture will be extra moist. If you use un-soaked cashews your frosting will be thicker. I prefer to use un-soaked cashews and low-fat coconut milk with vanilla.
You also have the option to use coconut oil in place of the milk, which will allow your frosting to set quicker and will be much more firm in texture. 

December 09, 2011

Vegan Apple Cinnamon Cheesecake- only 4 ingredients!!

This recipe is easily made in a blender and contains only four ingredients! If you add a crust and frosting it includes just a few more items. A great recipe for those that like to keep things simple and delicious.

Vegan Apple Pasta Flora (Cinnamon Cheesecake)
2 organic apples, peeled, cored, and diced
one cup soaked cashews (4-24 hours)
one cup maple syrup
1 1/2 TBSPs cinnamon
Optional: nutmeg, allspice and cloves)

Crust: (optional)
2 cups gluten free flour
1/2 cup coconut oil
sea salt

Frosting: (optional)
one cup cashews
1/4 cup coconut milk
2 TBSP agave
1 TSP cinnamon

1. Pre-heat oven to 200C.
2. Place all four ingredients in a blender and blend.
3. Grease a pie pan with coconut oil.
4. Bake at 200 for 15 minutes, and then 175 for about 40 minutes.
(if you make a pie crust, combine the crust ingredients and push into a pan. You can pre-bake at 200 for about 8 minutes and then cook pie more as directed in step #4.
5. Once pie is firm and dark in color remove from oven and place in the fridge to cool for an hour or two.
6. To make frosting: blend all frosting ingredients till creamy and top on cake after it has cooled in the fridge for an hour or so.

December 08, 2011

Thank you!

I would like to say thank you to everyone that attended my Healthy Dessert Cooking Class in Athens. We prepared four desserts together, three raw and one vegan, and all without sugar, dairy, and gluten.

Also, thank you to Vassillia for hosting my event. I will keep all of you posted on the after Christmas Detox class.  I will resume my usual postings tomorrow and have come up with three new delicious recipes I cannot wait to share with you. These recipes include:
  1. Raw Pumpkin Cheescake with a chewey Cinnamon Crust
  2. Gluten, dairy and refined sugar-free Swedish Nikoscakes (pancakes) with four fillings:
    1. Cranberry coconut drizzle
    2. Cinnamon "sugar"
    3. Sweet Tahini
    4. Messosmor
  3. Pomegrante- goat cheese salad with freshly ground flax and a lemon glaze
Enjoy your holidays and be good to your bodies!!

December 06, 2011

Hope to see you Tomorrow!!

I am busy preparing for my cooking class tomorrow evening at Pure Bliss. I am so excited to share some of my favorite recipes with you and hope you will find them as delicious as I do!

Thank you for supporting me along my journey. I could not have gotten this far if I didn't have the love and support around me.

More info about tomorrow's event can be found Here: Pure Bliss event



December 05, 2011

Food Allergies

·        Allergens are substances that are foreign to the body and can cause an allergic reaction. Very often we crave that which we are allergic to so pay attention to your cravings! First signs of an allergic reaction include stomach pain, a runny nose, a swollen throat, and phlegm. 

·      Allergy involves an exaggerated response of the immune system.
·      60% of the world’s population has an unknown food allergy.
·      95% of people go undiagnosed.
·      150 million people worldwide are allergic to one or more foods.
·      4% adults and 8% of children, in the European Union, suffer from food allergies.
·      Food allergies have increased 18% in the last 10 years in children under the age of 18.
·      Allergies can develop at any age.
·      Allergies are linked to enzymes shortages; eating more enzyme-rich raw foods are a great long-term remedy for allergies.

December 04, 2011


We are born with a limited supply of enzymes which are meant to last throughout our lifetime. Babies are full of enzymes and older folks have lost most of their supply, which is why they become "old." Just as a plant withers and eventually dies, so do we.

The faster we run through the enzymes the shorter our lives become. Cooking our foods, eating non-organic or dead foods, using non-organic household products and body products, as well as drugs and alcohol, all eat away at our enzyme supply. Stress, pollution and chemicals do not help either.

The best way for us to maintain optimum health and to preserve our youth is to incorporate an enzyme rich diet into our life that equates to a larger deposit and fewer withdrawal of enzymes. The easiest way to do this is with more raw foods. Simple.

The human pancreas is 2-4 times heavier and larger than that in an animal, which lives on raw foods, simply because the pancreas has to go into overdrive to produce the digestive juices that are lacking in the cooked and processed foods we eat.

What can you do today to increase your consumption of enzymes?

  1. Soak your nuts and seeds for 8-24 hours before you eat them. Soaking your nuts deactivates the enzyme inhibitors in the nuts, which increases nutrient absorption by up to 800%.
  2. Sprout your own seeds. It is simple. All you need is a jar, a mesh cloth and a rubber band. Or you can use tupperware with a mesh screen, a sprouting kit, or a cheesecloth. If you cannot sprout your own seeds, buy organic sprouts at the store and eat some at least every other day.
  3. Drink more fresh green juices- spinach, lemon, apple and parsley make a delicious combination
  4. Eat more sea vegetables.
  5. Eat more raw salads with soaked nuts and seeds.

December 03, 2011

The Beauty of Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives trees, grass, and leafy greens their beautiful green color. Chlorophyll is rich in iron and a great alternative to animal protein. There are so many benefits of chlorophyll greens including the following: proven to protect us from radiation, smoking, pollution, soaking up and excreting toxins and metals from the body (such as lead and mercury) and the ability to prevent cancer.

A list of powerful greens:

  • alfalfa
  • wheatgrass
  • spinach
  • kale
  • collards
  • dandelion greens
  • bok choy
  • parsley
  • swiss chard
  • turnip greens
  • beet greens
  • celery
  • cabbage
  • bean sprouts

The best way to eat your greens are both juiced and raw and can be eaten in any combination. Carrots, tomatoes and summer squashes are a great combination partner with chlorophyll greens.

Remember that juicing enables the body to quickly absorb a blast of micronutrients of several kilos of vegetables in only a small shot. A great attack on bacteria, disease, or distress in the body!!

December 02, 2011

Optimal Digestion

I know we don't like to discuss digestion much, but it is a very natural process and how well you digest your food is a good indication if you are on the proper diet. Here are some guidelines as to how you can improve your digestion:

  1. Chew your foods thoroughly, at least 15 times, 20 is better and 100, impossible :)
  2. Eat raw foods before you eat cooked foods, as they digest quicker.
  3. Avoid processed and artificial foods, which clutter your digestive system.
  4. Eat no more than 4 or 5 ingredients in a meal. Too many ingredients slow the digestive process.
  5. Drink one shot of Apple Cider Vinegar everyday.
  6. Eat Flaxseed everyday.
  7. Eat at least 35 grams of fiber (both soluble and insoluble) a day. For every gram of fiber you eat, you burn 7 calories, without exercising. 
  8. Eat foods, and drink water, that are at room temperature. This eases the digestive process because your body does not have to go into overdrive to heat up your meal or drink.
  9. Make sure you are relaxed and NOT in a hurry when you eat.