September 03, 2013

Pumpkin Butter Ravioli

For ravioli
1.5 cups GF flour blend
1 egg
1 TBSO coconut oil
1/4 + cup water

1/2 cup pumpkin butter (homemade here)

Parmesan cheese
Olive oil

1. To make ravioli combine ingredients in a bowl and mix with hands until dough forms. Add water slowly so that you add just the right amount. You want to be able to roll your dough and for it not to stick on your fingers, however you don't want it crumbly.
2. Roll dough out on a sheet and roll as thin as possible. Make sure dough is still strong enough to hold a filling,
3. Cut into small squares and add a small spoon of pumpkin butter. Fold and crease with a fork to seal the edges.
4. Meanwhile boil water on the stove and begin adding ravioli a few at a time for about 2-3 minutes tops. The ravioli will float when they are ready.
5. Top with fresh olive oil and grated parmesan.

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