September 28, 2013

Vegan GF giouvarlakia, Greek meatball soup

This recipe is inspired from One Green Planet! I left the rice out as we had rice for lunch and we wanted to eat lighter this evening. Did not miss the rice one bit!!!

1.5 cups of soaked and dehydrated lentils
2 cups broth (veggie, beef or chicken)
3 -4 TBSP ground flax seed, fresh
Dried parsley, oregano and thyme
Sea salt
Coconut flour
Coconut oil

1. Cook lentils in the broth, adding a bit more water as necessary. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes or so.
2. Pull from heat, drain and set sauce aside as this will be the base of the soup.
3. Blend lentils to a paste with 1-2 TBSP coconut oil in your Vita-mix or blender. 
4. Transfer to a bowl, add spices and and flax and roll into balls. (Meanwhile bring broth to a boil, reduce to simmer).
5. Roll balls in come coconut flour and place in broth again.
6. Cool for 15 minutes. Adding water to your desired consistency.
7. Garnish with lemon juice.

This is an amazing dish!! Two thumbs up! 

September 24, 2013

Homemade cream cheese

Very easy to make and allows you to also have whey on hand, which you can use to soak your grains or to make lacto-fermented sauces, such as mayonnaise.

Full fat organic yogurt
Cheesecloth or breathable cloth
Rubber band

1. Place the cloth over the jar, leaving plenty of room for the juice from the yogurt to drip ( a few inches) and secure with a rubber band.
2. Place yogurt in the cloth and allow to sit for 5-7 hours or so. You will see whey in the bottom of the jar and the yogurt will appear thicker.
3. Place cream cheese in a jar and use within 2 weeks. The whey will be good for about 1 month but I always use mine within two weeks.

I like to add flavors to my cream cheese, such as pumpkin or berry. Just blend equal portions of fruit with cream cheese and viola! I use the fruity version within a few days, just to be on the safe side.

September 21, 2013

Superseed miso salad

Make a salad with your favorites: carrots, peppers, lettuce, garlic, celery,parsley, full, etc,
Top with hemp and chia seeds.

Make a dressing with sweet white miso, olive oil, lemon juice and tahini. I drizzled in some pomegranate molasses today.

Bell Peppers
Hemp seeds

3 TBSP Sweet Miso
1/4 cup Olive oil
1-2 Lemons
2-3 TBSP Tahini
Drizzle of pomegranate molasses (optional)

September 18, 2013

Gluten free avocado salmon tart with dill cream cheese

1 cup wild smoked salmon
5 organic eggs
3/4 cup coconut flour
1 medium avocado 
2 TBSP coconut oil
1/4 cup fresh dill
1 TSP sea or Himalayan salt

Garnish: oregano, thyme and fresh Parmesan cheese

1. Combine all the ingredients in a blender. 
2. Pour into a greased baking pan and top with oregano, thyme, and freshly grated organic Parmesan.
3. Bake for 30 minutes at 180C.

Top with homemade cream cheese or raw butter. 

September 14, 2013

Gluten free berry muffins

1 cup almond flour
1 cup gluten free flour (I used oat flour)
2 eggs
1 cup berries
1 TSP baking powder
1 TSP sea salt
1 TBSP rapadura
2-3 TBSP coconut oil 

1. Blend in a bowl 
2. Cook at 180C for 30 minutes.

I topped with raw French butter!! 
You can also sprinkle rapadura on top of the muffins for an extra, sweet crunch.

September 13, 2013

Sweet raw sushi, kiwi coconut cashew sushi

Delicious and easy! Dehydrator needed!

2-3 Bananas
Dash Cinnamon
Dash Maca powder (optional)
1 cup raw Cashews
1/3 cup Coconut shreds
1 TBSP Greek honey
Fresh fruit- I used kiwis

1. Blend banana with a little bit of water, cinnamon and maca.
2. Dehydrate about 12-14 hours.
3. Grind cashews, coconut oil and a small spoon on honey.
3. Once banana turns into the consistency of a fruit roll up, top with cashew mixture and add fruit of choice.
4. Roll and cut into pieces. 

If you wish to be a little bit fancy, melt some chocolate as a dip for your sushi.

September 03, 2013

Pumpkin Butter Ravioli

For ravioli
1.5 cups GF flour blend
1 egg
1 TBSO coconut oil
1/4 + cup water

1/2 cup pumpkin butter (homemade here)

Parmesan cheese
Olive oil

1. To make ravioli combine ingredients in a bowl and mix with hands until dough forms. Add water slowly so that you add just the right amount. You want to be able to roll your dough and for it not to stick on your fingers, however you don't want it crumbly.
2. Roll dough out on a sheet and roll as thin as possible. Make sure dough is still strong enough to hold a filling,
3. Cut into small squares and add a small spoon of pumpkin butter. Fold and crease with a fork to seal the edges.
4. Meanwhile boil water on the stove and begin adding ravioli a few at a time for about 2-3 minutes tops. The ravioli will float when they are ready.
5. Top with fresh olive oil and grated parmesan.